4 — Getting Started with TinyPress (Our first blog)

We will build our blog on GitHub with TinyPress, which takes care of all the fuss for us.

We’re going to do three things here:

  1. Build our blog
  2. Make our first post
  3. Embed our first plot in our first post

1. Build our Blog

If you have a GitHub account take the link below and follow the prompts to start your blog.


  • TinyPress will use your GitHub account to build your blog.
  • You must give permission to TinyPress to access your GitHub content.
  • Once built, your blog will be found at http://[username].github.io.

2. Make our First Post

3. Embed our First Plot !!

  • The iframe code we copy and paste makes a window in our post onto our plotly plot
  • Note that the width and height parameters can be changed to suit your post and plot.